There is light in you. Do you know that? No, really. Do you know?
As young children we knew our light. But how quickly we forget! In a world that demands we conform and fall in, it’s so easy to become disconnected. For to remain connected, we must choose to be authentic and vulnerable in a society that all too often values aggressiveness and clever snark over authenticity. It can be rough out there.
Have you ever:
- Grown discontent in your work because it lacked humanity or didn’t contribute to the greater good?
- Worried that your autopilot might be leading you down a path that isn’t meant for you?
- Sensed that you have something truly special to offer the world, but didn’t know what?
- Felt frustration (and perhaps a little fear) at being unable to honestly answer “where do you see yourself in five years” with clarity, passion and excited anticipation?
- Craved creative personal expression but felt blocked from bringing anything to fruition?
- Looked at your surroundings – your home, your community, your country, our world…even your own loved ones – and wistfully asked yourself if this is as good as it gets? And at the same time, have you instinctively known that the answer is definitively “no” but not been able to see a path to something better?
- Wondered how good can prevail in and around you in a world that can seem so dark?
I promise you, you are not alone, and you are in the right place. Welcome to Awakening Authenticity where my goal is to help you reconnect with and unapologetically express your beautiful, miraculous light. You are meant to shine.
Awakening Authenticity will help you shine your light by
Helping you recognize your unique and sacred light.
Rumi said, “Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the world.”
Yes! The world needs your beautiful light! And you, my friend, deserve the peace and freedom that comes of being deeply connected to it. You will likely meet with some internal resistance as you come into your light and the ego-mind inevitably grasps and clings to maintain control. But with awareness and calm determination, you can overcome anything your ego throws at you.
Are you worried that your light has somehow been extinguished? Don’t be. For as long as we’re breathing our light is shining, even if only faintly. Let me help you learn how to feel it and know it and trust it and believe in it like you did as a young child. You will be amazed at what you find!
Helping you authentically express your inner light.
Once you know your light, you must give it expression. It gives your soul room to breathe, aligns your thoughts and actions more closely with your deeply-held values, and brings beauty to the world around you. Your authentic light is inherently good, an exquisite, self-sustaining, gift of the heart. Share it! Stand confidently in your truth and shine your light!
It doesn’t particularly matter what your life circumstances are or how long you’ve felt disconnected from your light. Truly, some of the people who shine most brightly are those who’ve walked alone in the vast darkness. Tibetan Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron, says, “You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” Certainly your circumstances, the “weather,” can’t limit the vast beauty and potential of the entire sky!
Once you recognize and understand your light’s beautiful power, you will feel compelled to express it. Only you will know what the perfect expression of that light looks, feels, sounds, smells or tastes like. You may not readily know, but the answer truly lies within you. I am here to support you as you take that courageous, life-changing step and begin to shine brightly.
Helping you nurture and cultivate light, both in yourself and in others
Once you begin to truly honor your own light, you will begin to recognize the light in others. You will understand who owns their light and who is still unaware of or perhaps tentative about embracing theirs. You are now empowered to support them on their journey of awakening and shining. Just imagine! How stunningly beautiful this world will be when we all know our light!
Let’s start a beautiful movement of loving souls committed to nurturing each other and tending our collective expansive light. I’m here to provide a compassionate and supportive space for that to happen, but I need you by my side. Will you join me?
About Amy Hawkins
Who am I, you wonder?
I grew up the good-girl honors-student who was always very concerned with others’ expectations. In adulthood, that translated into being very successful in my career as an IT professional in insurance…until…it didn’t. As a manager, I loved working directly with staff to help them develop their talents. But there came a point when what I needed to do to exceed expectations (because I was never content with just meeting them) felt so out of sync with my values and sense of purpose that it began to impact me profoundly. I felt that I couldn’t continue to be what I needed to be to succeed professionally without sacrificing my personal integrity. When my job was eliminated, I knew God and the Universe were sending me a message. It took me a little time to understand what the message was.
I am
- A suburban New England wife and mother of two boys, aged 20 and 4. My husband, Vineet, and I married in 2012, and now do the ongoing work of blending our multi-generational, multicultural family of four.
- A daughter and a sister. A friend, a confidant, and an advisor.
- An animal lover and aspiring adoptive dog mom.
- A creative spirit reclaiming the pure joy of color, sound, form and imagination…led by my light.
- A soul searcher, spirit seeker and truth speaker. An ambassador of Peace.
- A deep listener, a coach, a mentor, and an advocate.
- A concerned citizen of Mother Earth who worries about Her health & wellness, and that of all her inhabitants.
- An introvert, an HSP and an empath. I feel and process a LOT.
- A student, ever-seeking wisdom, insight and understanding.
I am awakening authenticity. I am light. And so are you.
Beautiful beinings!
Thank you, Erin! <3
Yes, I so agree- beautiful beginnings indeed! I look forward to learning from you… never realized before some of the similarities in our backgrounds. <3
I sense that you & I have a great deal in common, my friend. Thank you for your support! It means a lot to me. <3
It never ceases to amaze me how you can always put into words exactly how I feel. My goal this year is to walk the path to discover my authentic self. Not someone else’s version of me, of what they what and expect from me, but what I want and where I belong. No longer content to fit into someone else’s world. I have light and love to share. I no longer wish to feel constrain. You, my beautiful friend, are compassion and inspiration. I will walk with you on this journey.
Oh my heart! I’m so, so grateful & touched that my words resonated with you. It’s amazing how we can lose our internal compass when we’re so busy being good doers and fulfilling expectations. You have such a big heart & such tremendous capacity to love. I can’t wait to see your light shine in all of its amazing authenticity. Thank you for walking with me! <3 <3 <3